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Butler, Octavia
Precocious and clear-eyed, Lauren must make her voice heard in order to protect her loved ones from the imminent disasters her small community stubbornly ignores. But what begins as a fight for survival soon leads to something much more: the birth of a new faith . . . and a startling vision of human destiny.
Baines, John
Baines boldly reveals how the human being is manipulated and controlled by a vast cerebral and cultural program. He explains that the only possibility for freedom from this perpetual slavery consists in transcending oneself to finally cut the cord that connects us to this central computer.
Balfour, Mark
In 1986... scientific evidence for the substantial reality of universal life-force energy fields in accordance with the ancient edicts shattered the reductionist's view that life and intelligence are mere effects of physical causes. Creative Physics, echoing a once universal 'Science of Life', is swiftly emerging with far- reaching implications that touch every facet of the human experience.
Barnes, Sandra T., ed.
" . . . leav[es] the reader with a sense of the vitality, dynamism, and complexity of Ogun and the cultural contexts in which he thrives. . . . magnificent contribution to the literature on Ogun, Yoruba culture, African religions, and the African diaspora." ―International Journal of Historical Studies
Ben-Jochannon, Yosef
Dr. Ben-Jochannon taught at City College in New York City and from 1973 to 1987, he was an adjunct professor at Cornell University. He wrote and published 49 books and papers, mainly about how in his mind the Ancient Egyptians and Israelites were black Africans. Two of his better-known works: “Black Man of the Nile” and “Africa Mother of Major Western Religions."
Bierlein, J. F.
For as long as human beings have had language, they have had myths. Mythology is our earliest form of literary expression and the foundation of all history and morality. Now, in Parallel Myths, classical scholar J. F. Bierlein gathers the key myths from all of the world's major traditions and reveals their common themes, images, and meanings.
Blavatsky, H. P.
Continuously in print for over 100 years, the SD remains today the most comprehensive sourcebook of the esoteric tradition, outlining the fundamental tenets of the Secret Doctrine of the Archaic Ages. Challenging, prophetic, and strikingly modern, it directly addresses the perennial questions: continuity of life after death, purpose of existence, good and evil, consciousness and substance, sexuality, karma, evolution, and human and planetary transformation.
Boyd Kuhn, Alvin
2015 Reprint of the 1940 edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Highly influenced by the work of Gerald Massey and Godfrey Higgins, Kuhn contended that the Bible derived its origins from other Pagan religions and much of Christian history was pre-extant as Egyptian mythology.
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